We make the difference

We help you deliver results.

This is all we do.  It’s our specialty and our focus.

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Enabling Your Vision, Delivering Excellence

Here at One Beautiful Life, we transform strategic visions into remarkable realities.  We offer a suite of services designed to support you no matter where you are at on your journey, and these are listed below.

We have also designed our ways of working so that we can deliver with and for you throught the initiative lifecycle.  We can review your current state, help you to design the future, work with you to deliver your initiatives, assist you with governance, provide “critical friend” independent assurance and recommendations; or a combination of these to suit your needs.

We help ensure that the products and services you are offering and the markets you are offering them to are aligned with your strategic ambition.  Further we help ensure your cost base is appropriate, given your scale and ambition. 

You have limited financial capacity and limited time, so we assist you to ensure you expend both wisely through supporting the development of robust business cases (or other investment decision artifacts) that are scaled to suit the investment being considered.

Your operating model is the machine that delivers your business model and ultimately your strategic ambition.  We work with you to ensure the components of that “machine” – people, process and technology – are aligned to drive you forward.  This can look at your entire organisation or a component thereof.

Once you have decided to invest in an initiative (for example making a change to your operating model) you need to know it will deliver.  We support you to initiate initiatives by ensuring they are well designed and have the supporting artifacts in place at the outset.

There will always be more that you could do than you can or should do.  We will work with you to ensure you are planning to do the right things: strategically aligned, risk mitigating, suiting available resources.  Further we will help you establish portfolio management practices so you can maintain an optimal portfolio, over time.

Benefits realisation is actually the reason we’re all here.  All of the services on this page are not in support of “building widgets” but rather to achieve your desired business outcomes.  We support you to ensure your benefits are clear, that you have a plan to deliver, and that your governance is in place to remain focused on them.


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